Oltenia Kennel Club


The text below is extracted from Romanian Kennel Association Regulation regarding dog competitions, february 15 th 2024 (pages 47-48).

According to art. 9 para. 1 of OG 34/2014 regarding consumer rights, the Beneficiary has the right to withdraw from the Dog Competition Registration Services Contract, concluded at a distance and governed by these Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation, without specifying the reasons, but with observing the exception provided by art. 16 para. 1 lit. a, the first thesis from the same normative act, explained in the last paragraph of this article.

The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the date on which the Beneficiary submitted the online form for registration and participation in the Competition

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Beneficiary must inform the Organizer about the decision to withdraw, using an unequivocal statement signed and sent by email to the Organizer.

For this purpose, the Beneficiary can also use the withdrawal model below, but its use is not mandatory:

The organizer of the canine Competition with the name ___________________, on ___________.

The undersigned ____________________________, domiciled in the country __________________, county _____________, loc. ______________________, street ___________________, no. ____, bl. _____, sc. ____, yr. ____, apt. _____,

I request the refund of the registration fee for the above mentioned Competition.

Name and Surname Applicant _____________

Signature Applicant _______________

In order to comply with the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the Beneficiary to send his unequivocal signed statement regarding the exercise of the withdrawal anytime before the expiration of the withdrawal period.

If the Beneficiary withdraws, the Organizer will refund any amount received from the Beneficiary, without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 days from the date on which the Organizer was informed of the Beneficiary's decision to to retreat.

The Organizer will make the refund using the same payment method as that used for the initial transaction, unless the Beneficiary has expressly requested another method of reimbursement.

In any case, the Beneficiary will not be charged commissions as a result of such reimbursement.

However, according to art. 16 para. 1 lit. a, the first thesis of OG 34/2014 regarding consumer rights, the Contract for the Provision of Registration Services in a dog Competition, concluded at a distance and governed by these Contractual Conditions of Registration and Participation, is exempt from the right of withdrawal starting from the moment of confirmation the registration of the dog in the canine Competition, a moment that coincides with the full provision of the registration service, if the execution began with the prior express consent of the Beneficiary and after he confirmed that he was aware of the fact that he will lose his right of withdrawal after full execution of the contract by the Organizer.

  Terms used in the Romanian Kennel Association Regulation regarding dog competitions:

  • The person who applied for Registration in the Competition, in his own name or through a representative, will be referred to hereafter as Client or Beneficiary or Competitor

  • The computer program, hereinafter also referred to as the Computer Application or the Application, provides the Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation, electronically, on the Internet, in order to register and subsequently participate in a Canine Competition organized under the auspices of the Romanian Kennel Association, referred to hereinafter and by the acronym RKA, affiliated to the International Cynological Federation, further referred to by the acronym FCI.

  • The acronym DCP is referring to the processing of your personal data, and the acronym GDPR is referring to the rights you have in accordance with the General Regulation on data protection no. 679/2016.

  • Registration and participation in Competitions organized under the auspices of RKA obligatorily conclude remotely, by electronic means, through the Application, the Contract for the Provision of Registration Services in the Canine Competition, hereinafter referred to as the Contract.

  • Terms referring to individuals are applicable to both sexes

  • All references in the Regulation to the term "owner" are also considered to be made to the term "co-owner", in shares or in shares, as the case may be, except in cases where the contrary is expressly specified

  • All references made to the notion of "Romanian owner, handler or temporary holder" are considered to be made, as the case may be, to natural persons holding Romanian citizenship and/or to legal persons of Romanian nationality, established and organized according to Romanian law

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