Oltenia Kennel Club


The text below is extracted from Romanian Kennel Association Regulation regarding dog competitions, february 15 th 2024 (pages 49-55).

The processing of personal data is performed according to the information below:

  1. The Association ____________________________, based in Romania, county ___________________, loc. __________________, street __________________________, no. ____, bl. _____, sc. ____, floor ____, apt. _____, with the postal correspondence address in Romania, county _____________, loc. __________________, street _________________________, no. ____, bl. _____, sc. ____, floor ____, apt. _____, telephone _______________________, email ____________________, official website www.____________.ro,

    hereby informs you about the processing of your personal data, hereinafter referred to by the acronym DCP and about the rights you have in accordance with the General Regulation on data protection no. 679/2016, hereinafter referred to by the acronym GDPR and national legislation on the protection and security of personal data.

  2.  Along with other clubs and territorial dog associations, the undersigned is a member of the Romanian Kennel Club, hereinafter referred to by the acronym RKK, headquartered in Bucharest, Sector 1, 010867, b-dul Dinicu Golescu no. 37, pp. 4, sc. C, et. 1, ap. 70, unique registration code 7108760, postal correspondence address Bucharest, Sector 1, O.P. 12, C.P. 262, email address office.achr@gmail.com, official website www.ach.ro, phone (+4) 021.314.37.63.

  3.  According to GDPR, RKC and its members act as "associate operators of personal data" within a "group of undertakings" in which RKC is the "controlling enterprise," and members of the RKC are "affiliated / controlled enterprises" in terms of:

    1. the conduct of canine activity at the national level,
    2. the continuous training, examination, record keeping and publicity of judges, secretaries and commissioners, assistants, training instructors, assistants and decoys, etc. registred on the lists of RKC and of the International Cynological Federation, hereinafter referred to by the acronym FCI and other international canine and / or sports federations to which the Associate Operators are affiliated (if applicable),
    3. providing services in the cynological field to interested persons (directly or through AChR members - registrations in the Book of origin, relesing, completion and modification of documents of origin, performance books, diplomas, certificates, breeder's names, etc. -),
    4. organization of canine events (Competitions, exams, tests, conferences, plenary sessions, debates, workshops, etc.),
    5. compliance with the legal obligations established to RKC on the regime of dangerous and aggressive dogs, by carrying out assessments, registrations in the Register of Dangerous, Aggressive and Utility Dogs, further referred to by the acronym RECPAU, issuing and relesing certificates, making cynological findings and issuing cynological opinions,
    6. compliance with the legal obligations established to RKC and to its members regarding the obtaining and possession of adequate, correct and up-to-date information on their real beneficiaries and making them available to the control bodies and the supervisory authorities, at their request.
  4.  To ensure the processing of DCP with the national and community legal provisions, the Associated Operators have adopted based on the provisions of art. 26 GDPR, Agreement for the processing of personal data, annex to the Statute of the RKC, available on the website www.ach.ro,

  5.  In accordance with national and European legislation Associated Operators have the obligation to administer safely and only for the specified purposes, DCP which are provided to them or which they obtain on the occasion of carrying out their current activities.

  6.  Consequently, according to the Agreement concluded between the Associated Operators and in compliance with the principle of minimizing the processing of DCP provided by art. 5 para. 1 GDPR, we inform you that the Associated Operators are obliged to process certain DCP of natural persons, hereinafter referred to as PERSONS, who have voluntarily and unequivocally consented to provide DCP in order to register and participate in / in the canine Competitions organized under the auspices of RKC/FCI, respectively:

    1. name and surname,
    2. address / domicile / residence,
    3. mobile phone number,
    4. e-mail address,
    5. bank details required to make payments / receipts
    6. any other DCP resulting from the identity documents or documents presented and retained, in certified copy, by the associated Operators, under the conditions of the internal law and of the law of the European Union.
  7.  The purposes of processing DCP are, as the case may be:

    1. the fulfillment of the procedure for registration and participation in / at the canine events organized under the auspices of RKC/FCI, including the issuance of financial-accounting documents related to
    2. the validation of the results obtained in canine Competitions,
    3. carrying out correspondence with you,
    4. fulfilling the legal obligations provided by the legislation on associations and foundations and the regislation on the prevention of money laundering,
    5. fulfilling the legal obligation to respond to the requests of public authorities and institutions,
    6. fulfilling the obligations legal information on archiving.
  8.  The legal basis of the processing DCP it is constituted, as the case may be, by the provisions of national or Union law concerning:

    1. your consent,
    2. fulfilling the legal obligations of the Associated Operators,
    3. realizing the rights and legitimate interests of the Associated Operators regarding the proof of the observance of the legal obligations of the Associated Operators and observing the RKC/FCI regulations,
    4. informing you of on DCP processing
  9.  DCP processing is done by manual and automated means (computers, smartphones, tablets, computer applications and registration related to the official websites of the associated operators), but without an automated individual decision-making process or profile creation, within the meaning of art. 4 point 4 and art. 22 GDPR

  10.  Duration of processing DCP it is made for the period provided by the financial accounting legislation for keeping the financial-accounting documents.

  11.  DCP processed will be disclosed / transmitted only to third parties who are involved in the fulfillment by the Associated Operators of their legal obligations (RKC, FCI, IT service providers, postal or courier services, etc.).

  12.  You are NOT required to provide DCP and to give your consent to their processing, but the refusal to supply them has the impossibility of registering and participating in / in the canine events organized under the auspices of RKC/FCI

  13.  In addition, since photos and video recordings are taken in the venues where canine Competition takes place, the facial images of the persons can be captured, without identifying the persons appearing in the photos and video recordings.

    The purpose of facial image processing is to advertis and marketing the products and services offered and the events organized by the Associated Operators, as well as to promote the canine movement.

    The legal basis for the processing of facial images is your consent, manifested explicitly by the action of entering the Competition space, according to the provisions of art. 6 para. 1 lit. A from the GDPR.

    If you do NOT want the facial images of you and the minors you represent and accompany you (if applicable) to be processed, please do NOT enter the Competition space, as your refusal to allow image processing has as a consequence, the refusal of the associated Operators to allow you access inside the Competition space.

    On the other hand, we inform you that your entry into the Competition space represents your agreement that the personal data consisting of the facial images of you and the minors you represent and accompany you (if applicable), to be processed for the stated purpose.

    The processed facial images are to be revealed to the general public, for the stated purpose, by publishing / displaying on the websites of the Associated Operators. The processing of facial images will be done for the entire period necessary to achieve the above purpose, respectively for the entire duration of the existence of the Associated Operators.

  14.  According to the GDPR, you have the following rights:

    1. the right to information, provided by art. 13 and 14 GDPR,
    2. the right to withdraw the consent granted, provided by art. 13 para. 2 lit. C and art. 14 para. 3 lit. D GDPR,
    3. the right of access to the processed data, provided by art. 15 GDPR,
    4. the right to rectification of the DCP, provided by art. 16 GDPR,
    5. the right to delete DCP (the right to be forgotten), provided by art. 17 GDPR,
    6. the right to restrict the processing of DCP, provided by art. 18 GDPR,
    7. the right to data portability, provided by art. 20 GDPR,
    8. the right to oppose the processing of DCP (right of opposition), provided by art. 21 GDPR,
    9. the right to file complaints with the supervisory authority, provided by art. 77 GDPR The Romanian Supervisory Authority is the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing, based in Bucharest, Sector 1, b-dul g-ral Gh. Magheru no. 28-30, postal code 010336, telephone +40.318.059.211, fax +40.318.059.602, email anspdcp@dataprotection.ro,
    10. the right to an efficient judicial appeal against a supervisory authority, provided by art. 78 para. 2 GDPR
  15.  For additional information or exercise of the rights conferred by GDPR, we encourage you to contact directly Mr. Lucian Bagia, the main contact person of the data protection officer, at the e-mail address lucian.bagia@bagia.ro or by phone at 0722.358. 392 and to address notifications / complaints to the supervisory authority or to the courts.

  Terms used in the Romanian Kennel Association Regulation regarding dog competitions:

  • The person who applied for Registration in the Competition, in his own name or through a representative, will be referred to hereafter as Client or Beneficiary or Competitor

  • The computer program, hereinafter also referred to as the Computer Application or the Application, provides the Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation, electronically, on the Internet, in order to register and subsequently participate in a Canine Competition organized under the auspices of the Romanian Kennel Association, referred to hereinafter and by the acronym RKA, affiliated to the International Cynological Federation, further referred to by the acronym FCI.

  • The acronym DCP is referring to the processing of your personal data, and the acronym GDPR is referring to the rights you have in accordance with the General Regulation on data protection no. 679/2016.

  • Registration and participation in Competitions organized under the auspices of RKA obligatorily conclude remotely, by electronic means, through the Application, the Contract for the Provision of Registration Services in the Canine Competition, hereinafter referred to as the Contract.

  • Terms referring to individuals are applicable to both sexes

  • All references in the Regulation to the term "owner" are also considered to be made to the term "co-owner", in shares or in shares, as the case may be, except in cases where the contrary is expressly specified

  • All references made to the notion of "Romanian owner, handler or temporary holder" are considered to be made, as the case may be, to natural persons holding Romanian citizenship and/or to legal persons of Romanian nationality, established and organized according to Romanian law

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