Oltenia Kennel Club


The information below is extracted from Romanian Kennel Association Regulation regarding dog competitions, february 15 th 2024 (pages 37-46)


    1. These Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation are only available electronically, through a computer program, hereinafter also referred to as the Computer Application or the Application, made available on an internet site, in order to register and subsequently participate in a dog Competition organized under the auspices of Romanian Cynological Association, hereinafter also referred to by the acronym RKA, affiliated to the International Cynological Federation, hereinafter also referred to by the acronym FCI.

    2. From a legal point of view, registration and participation in the Competitions organized under the auspices of RKA obligatorily conclude remotely, by electronic means, through the Application, the Contract for the Provision of Registration Services in the Dog Competition, referred to below as the Contract.

    3. The contract will be concluded only remotely, by electronic means, through the Application, between:

      The Association _______________________, based in Romania, county _____________, loc. _____________, street _______________, no. ____, bl. _____, sc. ____, floor ____, apt. _____, with the postal correspondence address in Romania, county _____________, loc. _____________, street _______________, no. ____, bl. _____, sc. ____, floor ____, apt. _____, telephone _______________________, email ____________________, official website www.____________.ro,

      hereinafter also referred to as the Association or the Organizer, as a member of RKC. and The person who requested registration in the below-mentioned Competition, in his own name or through a proxy, referred to below as Client or Beneficiary or Competitor, with the identification data resulting from his valid identity document, through:

      1. the electronic transmission by the Competitor of the registration request, through the Application,
      2. electronic confirmation by the Organizer of the registration request by the Organizer, under the conditions below..
    4. The technical steps necessary to conclude the Contract are the following:

      1. accessing the entry link in the Application;
      2. preliminary verification of the correctness and ownership of the email address used for registration;
      3. reading the Contractual Conditions of Registration and Participation, which constitute the standardized form provided in Annex 4 to the RKA Regulation on dog competitions, in that section of the Application where these Conditions are reproduced;
      4. completion of the RKA standardized form for registration and participation in the Canine Competition, which constitutes the standardized form provided for in Annex 5 to the RKA Regulation on canine competitions;
      5. the introduction of electronic copies of the documents required for registration into the Application;
      6. completion of the intermediate step regarding information and document verification of dogs with docked tails and/or ears for which registration in the Competition is requested;
      7. manifestation of prior express agreement to start the execution of the Contract and manifestation of the confirmation that he has become aware of the fact that he will lose his right of withdrawal after the full execution of the contract by the Organizer, full execution that takes place at the time of confirmation of registration;
      8. aacceptance of the Contractual Conditions of Registration and Participation,
      9. written confirmation of the registration request by the Organizer, by email.
    5. Sending the registration request through the Application consists of the following actions of the Competitor:

      1. completion of the RKA typed form for registration and participation in the Canine Competition;
      2. the introduction in the Application of the electronic copies of the documents required for registration, respectively:
        1. legible copy of the document of origin recognized by the RKA of the dog;
        2. the legible copy of the power of attorney to register the dog in the Competition (if the registration is done through an agent);
        3. legible copy of the proof of payment of the registration fee;
        4. the legible copy of the proof that, on the date of registration, the Beneficiary is an active member of an RKA member or of another cynological organization recognized by the FCI
        5. legible copy of the champion certificate or work certificate issued by the RKA or another cynological organization recognized by the FCI, if applicable.
      3. manifestation of prior express agreement to start the execution of the Contract and confirmation that he has become aware of the fact that he will lose his right of withdrawal after the full execution of the Contract by the Organizer, full execution that occurs at the moment of confirmation of registration and which is simultaneous with the moment of conclusion The contract as a result of the confirmation of the registration request, in writing, by email;
      4. completion of the intermediate step regarding information and document verification of dogs with docked tails and/or ears for which registration in the Competition is requested;
      5. acceptance of the Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation in the Dog Competition,
      6. pressing the "Register" button.
    6. Manifestation of prior express agreement to start the execution of the Contract, confirmation of acknowledgment and acceptance of the Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation in the Dog Competition is carried out by the Competitor, remotely, by electronic means, through the Application, by ticking:

      1. the check-box to the right of the mention "I agree with the start of the execution of the Contract";
      2. the check-box to the right of the mention "I have become aware of the fact that I will lose my right of withdrawal after the full execution of the Contract by the Organizer, full execution which takes place at the time of confirmation of registration and which is simultaneous with the conclusion of the Contract as following the confirmation of the registration request by the Organizer, in writing, by email"
      3. the check-box to the right of the mention "I agree with the Contractual Conditions of Registration and Participation".
    7. To avoid any ambiguities, ticking the above-mentioned check-boxes and pressing the "Register" button represent each of them Electronic Signatures, in the sense of the provisions of art. 4 point 3 and art. 6 of LAW 455/2001, having the same legal value as a holographic signature.

    8. The written confirmation of the registration request is carried out by the Organizer, under the conditions of these Regulations, either automatically or manually.

    9. The date and time of the written confirmation is the date and time of sending the confirmation email, taking into account the specifics of these means of communication that ensure the instant transmission of the message, regardless of the date and time at which the recipient read the electronic message and/or the files attached to it .

    10. At the time of confirmation of the registration request under the above conditions, the Contract for the Provision of Registration Services in the Dog Competition is concluded, and the Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation in the og Competition will govern both the Contract and the conditions for subsequent participation in the Competition the respective canine.

    11. At the same time, taking into account the specifics of the Contract, the full execution of the Contract by the Organizer takes place, by providing the registration service.

    12. The contract is concluded bilingually, in Romanian and English.

    13. The contract will be stored by the Organizer in the Application, including in the Beneficiary's Client Account (if the Application is provided with the Client Account function) and will also be sent to the Beneficiary's email address, automatically, when the button ”Register” is pressed.

    14. If the Application is provided with the function of a Client Account, the technical means that the Organizer makes available to the Beneficiary for identifying and correcting errors occurring during data entry consist both in allowing access to the Application and their correction by the Beneficiary, as well as in the possibility to recover lost/forgotten Access Credentials by accessing a page in the Application where the email address or phone number used in the authentication process is entered; otherwise, the Beneficiary will inform the Organizer by phone or email, regarding the correction of the identified errors, following which the Organizer will correct the reported errors.


    1. The parties are those stipulated in at the bottom of the page: Terms used...

    2. The dog Competition named:

      ________________________, which is the subject of these Contractual Conditions of Registration and Participation, will be organized by the Association and will take place on _______________, în Romania, county _____________, loc. _____________, street _______________, no. ____, GPS coordinates: _______________, _______________, with the participation of spectators.

    3. The body of judges that will officiate at the dog Competition is made up of:

      Mrs/Mr: __________________________ (RO);
      Mrs/Mr: __________________________ (RO);
      Mrs/Mr: __________________________ (RO);

      Changing the composition of the body of referees present at the Competition can be carried out by the Organizer unilaterally if one or more referees inform the Organizer that they can no longer participate, in which case the Organizer will not be held responsible in any way for any of damages that the Beneficiary could suffer.

    4. The Competition is exclusively addressed to Competitors who:

      1. both on the date of registration and on the date of the Competition, they are members of at least one member of the RKA or another canine organization recognized by the FCI,
      2. which presents at least one dog that holds a certificate of origin (pedigree), issued by the RKA, or by another canine organization recognized by the FCI.

      Violation of this clause leads to the legal cancellation of the registration (without fulfilling other formalities), the paid registration fee will not be refunded, and if the dog was still refereed, the results obtained by it will not be approved, and if they were approved, then they will be canceled and the disciplinary procedure according to the RKA regulations in force will be initiated against the persons in question.

    5. It is NOT allowed to register and participate in the Competitions of:

      1. dogs that, on the date of the Competition, have not yet reached the age of 4 months;
      2. dogs whose owners, at the time of registration or at the time of the Competition, are members of a cynological organization NOT recognized by the FCI;
      3. dogs for which documents of origin recognized by RKA, affiliated to FCI, are not presented, with the exception of purebred dogs for which COR is open;
      4. dogs with Romanian owners for which documents of origin issued by other cynological organizations recognized by the FCI are presented but which were NOT registered at the COR until the date of the Competition, with the exception of purebred dogs for which the COR is open;
      5. dogs for which origin documents are expected to be issued, nostrified or arrived from COR;
      6. dogs that have their tails and/or ears docked for purposes other than curative ones; proof of tail and/or ear docking for curative purposes is only the mention/s to this effect, the signature and initials of the veterinarian who performed the docking surgery entered in the dog's health card or passport;
      7. dogs whose identification was not possible under the conditions of this Regulation (on the basis of a microchip);
      8. dogs for which the original health card or passport, completed and endorsed in accordance with the legal provisions in force, is not presented;
      9. dogs for which there is NO proof of rabies vaccination and internal and external deworming in the health record at the time of the Competition;
      10. dogs for which a health card is presented in which erasures/additions or other indications of falsification or counterfeiting are made;
      11. sick dogs suffering from a contagious disease and dogs whose illness affects their well-being;
      12. castrated dogs or affected by testicular atrophy;
      13. females in heat;
      14. females whose pregnancies are over 25 days or which are visible;
      15. lactating females;
      16. females accompanied by their cubs that are less than 4 months old or that, although they are over three months old, are not entered in the Competition;
      17. blind or deaf dogs;
      18. dogs registered on the fixed list,
      19. of dogs whose owners are persons who are entered in the fixed list.

      Violation of this clause leads to the legal cancellation of the registration (without fulfilling other formalities), the paid registration fee will not be refunded, and if the dog was still refereed, the results obtained by it will not be approved, and if they were approved, then they will be canceled and the disciplinary procedure according to the RKA regulations in force will be initiated against the persons in question.

    6. To avoid any ambiguities, the Competition registration service is provided only after payment of the below-mentioned registration fee, and subsequent participation in the Competition, which requires the presentation of the Beneficiary and the registered dog at the location where the Competition takes place, picking up the registration numbers contest and presentation in the arbitration rings etc. it will be carried out in compliance with the present Contractual Conditions of Registration and Participation and all applicable FCI and RKA regulations, free of charge.

    7. The registration fee is _____ LEI, for competitors with permanent residence in Romania and _____ EUR, for competitors who do NOT have permanent residence in Romania, in order to cover all additional expenses related to translations into / from an official FCI language from / in the Romanian language of documents, conversations, arbitrations, etc.

    8. The payment of the registration fee in LEI will be made exclusively by deposit or transfer in IBAN _________________________, opened by the beneficiary Association ________________________, at Bank ____________________.

    9. The payment of the registration fee in EUR will be made exclusively by deposit or transfer in IBAN _________________________, opened by the beneficiary Association ________________________, at Bank ____________________, SWIFT code (BIC) ___________.

    10. The deadline for submitting registration requests is ______________, 23:59:59.

    11. In order to complete the registration, the Beneficiary will have to fill in capital letters all the mandatory fields in the online registration and participation form, marked in this sense with the * (star sign) or with any other sign, mention or distinctive color that attests the mandatory nature, as well as to attach to the online registration and participation form:

      1. legible copy of the document of origin recognized by the RKA of the dog;
      2. the legible copy of the power of attorney to register the dog in the Competition (if the registration is done through an agent);
      3. legible copy of the proof of payment of the registration fee;
      4. the legible copy of the proof that, on the date of registration, the Beneficiary is an active member of an RKA member or of another cynological organization recognized by the FCI
      5. legible copy of the champion certificate or work certificate issued by the RKA or another cynological organization recognized by the FCI, if applicable.

      Atention! If you fail to provide the above documents, the application for Competition will NOT be considered valid and the dog will NOT be registered for Competition.

    12. By registering and participating in the Competition, the Competitor assumes full compliance with the RKA Regulations for dog Competitions, available on the website www.ach.ro.

      Failure to comply with the above-mentioned Regulation will lead to exclusion from the Competition, to the initiation of the disciplinary procedure provided for by the RKA regulations in force against the persons in question and, if necessary, to the obligation to cover the damages caused.

    13. Also, respecting the Judges and their decisions, the Organizer and his decisions, as well as the other participants in the Competition is mandatory.
      Violation of this clause will lead to exclusion from the Competition and the initiation of the disciplinary procedure provided by the RKA regulations in force against the persons in question.

    14. The health and well-being of the dogs must be the TOP PRIORITY in all Competitions, therefore in FCI and RKA Competitions, the participants have the obligation to ensure the well-being of the dogs.

      It is forbidden to expose the dogs to situations that would endanger their health or well-being, situations such as leaving the dogs in the car at extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold), applying bad treatments to the dogs or committing acts of cruelty towards them .

      Violation of the above clauses leads to the legal cancellation of the registration (without the fulfillment of other formalities), the registration fee paid will not be refunded, and if the dog was still refereed, the results obtained by it will not be approved, and if approved, then they will be canceled and the disciplinary procedure provided by the RKA regulations in force will be initiated against the persons in question.

      Also, criminal or contraventional proceedings can be initiated against the persons in question by the competent institutions, including picking up the mistreated dog and placing it in a public shelter.

  Terms used in the Romanian Kennel Association Regulation regarding dog competitions:

  • The person who applied for Registration in the Competition, in his own name or through a representative, will be referred to hereafter as Client or Beneficiary or Competitor

  • The computer program, hereinafter also referred to as the Computer Application or the Application, provides the Contractual Conditions for Registration and Participation, electronically, on the Internet, in order to register and subsequently participate in a Canine Competition organized under the auspices of the Romanian Kennel Association, referred to hereinafter and by the acronym RKA, affiliated to the International Cynological Federation, further referred to by the acronym FCI.

  • The acronym DCP is referring to the processing of your personal data, and the acronym GDPR is referring to the rights you have in accordance with the General Regulation on data protection no. 679/2016.

  • Registration and participation in Competitions organized under the auspices of RKA obligatorily conclude remotely, by electronic means, through the Application, the Contract for the Provision of Registration Services in the Canine Competition, hereinafter referred to as the Contract.

  • Terms referring to individuals are applicable to both sexes

  • All references in the Regulation to the term "owner" are also considered to be made to the term "co-owner", in shares or in shares, as the case may be, except in cases where the contrary is expressly specified

  • All references made to the notion of "Romanian owner, handler or temporary holder" are considered to be made, as the case may be, to natural persons holding Romanian citizenship and/or to legal persons of Romanian nationality, established and organized according to Romanian law

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